2007 American Corporate Identity/22
Award of Design Excellence for “Students Run Philly Style”—A program of the National Nursing Centers Consortium.
2006 Graphic Design: USA
Award of Design Excellence for UPenn Veterinary Medicine Conference Brochure.
2006 Graphic Design: USA
Award of Design Excellence for UPenn Veterinary School— Many Species. One Medicine. Direct Mailer.
2006 Graphic Design: USA
Award of Design Excellence for Murphy Design’s “Chew on This,” Self-promotional post card series.
2005 American Corporate Identity/21
Award of Design Excellence for a logo, “Sit”
—A Pet Boutique
2004 Graphic Design: USA
Self-promotional brochure, judged by peers and selected for inclusion in magazine.
2004 Logos: Making a Strong Mark
Five projects selected for inclusion in book from Rockport Publishers.
2003 American Corporate Identity/18
America’s best identity design programs, national competition and annual book, Award for identity design, FSS 500 Program for the ARAMARK Corporation.
2001—33rd Annual Pepperpot and Achievement Awards program
Public Relations Society of America recognized the ARAMARK FSS 500, an employee incentive program.
2001 “All Star Award”
ARAMARK Corporation recognized Murphy Design's work in the project World Class Patient Service—an innovative program designed to change perceptions about patient’s entire experience with support services.